I really love you guys. I hear all the time from none pet bloggers that they have blog bullies that come around only to cause problems. Maybe it is jealousy from one blogger to the next because so and so has more followers or gets more people to participate in their giveaways. Maybe it is jealousy over the fact that some bloggers get companies to sponsor huge giveaways. Or maybe it is just mean people with nothing better to do with their lives. Whatever the reason I feel like Pet Bloggers and our followers are such a caring, involved, thoughtful group of people. Thank you all for being amazing I love you guys and hope to meet you all someday.
On to some blog keeping:
Now that we have our new 3 column design I can do what I have wanted to from the start - put up a box with current giveaways and upcoming giveaways.
This way no matter if you are a first time visitor or a serial blog stalker (if I have any of those they are are friendly and come to play not fight) you will know exactly what is going on with us. We also really need to finally sit down and come up with a posting schedule that I actually stick to. I feel like I mean to get on and post everyday but sometimes things get in the way :( but I know that the more consistent I am the more fun this blog will be and the more friends we will make.