Crypto Blog

#Mamavation Monday

So I want to get this post up before I get back on the road for the day. I wanted to share some great news with everyone. Last weekend I was at my grandmother's 80th Birthday in New Jersey and I still lost 3.4lbs!!! I am so excited about that. I had one of my protein shakes for breakfast and some fruit for lunch and then was able to go out to dinner with everyone and not feel bloated or overstuffed.
The second piece of my good news for the week is that yesterday I put on my skinnier jeans and they fit!! Yay very excited about that as well. To try and get through the next week and a half I brought my own blender with me so I can make myself shakes every morning even when I am at #BarkWorld this coming weekend. I think it will help keep my energy going and the snacking at bay. Keeping my fingers crossed on that. Those of you who have been to blogging conventions know that things get super crazy at these things between meeting everyone and all the learning that goes on and the super late nights. So yep that's my challenge.
Exercise will not be a challenge since the dogs are going to be with me so we will get to go on walks everyday. If you are going to be there with your dogs let us know so we can go walking together!

Oh and some more news if you would like to check out the protein shakes I am using there is a giveaway going on over at:

Idle Talk: