Crypto Blog

Make A New Friend Tuesdays

Every Tuesday we introduce you to a new blogging friend. We know that Blog Hops can get overwhelming and you don't really get to know everyone. You just want to be able to stop by to say hello so we came up with Make a New Friend Tuesdays. This way we can really get to know a bit about our new friends and everyone can drop by to say hello since its one blog once a week. Don't worry we will still be having Blog Hops this is just a bonus! This is a much more intimate way to get to know your fellow bloggers and introduce yourself to them. I love getting to actually spend a few minutes looking through their posts to see what their blog is all about and of course getting to see pictures!

If you would like your blog to be featured please fill out this form and we will let you know when your blog will be featured.

Freya is the lab and Conner is the Duck how cool is this friendship! Meet our new friends Freya and Conner and their dad Jeremy over at Ducks: A Journey with Freya

It is so rare to find a male Pet Blogger out there I know our little corner of the blogsphere is dominated by women.

All about me, eh? Well I am a soccer coaching, story writing, Pre-K teaching 29 year old male. I named those three first as they hold the biggest keys to who I am. I live in rural Crossville, Tn. A growing hamlet between Knoxville (home of the University of Tennessee) and Nashville (home of Vanderbilt and country music, apparently). I am a giant nerd who indulges in all manners of nerdery and geekdom.

I am currently in school to secure my degree in Pre-K - 6th grade education, Special Education, and who knows what else!

I own a gorgeous lab named Freya, a precocious duck named Conner, and an assortment of small wildlife critters who I claim as mine, but really belong to mother nature.

Seriously look at that tongue. It easily beats Indiana's tongue by about a mile. You can just tell how happy this special girl is.

You can tell that Freya is one happy dog who must not have a very high prey drive. Davinia and Indiana would have a hard time befriending a duck I can tell you that much. Maybe it would be a mutual understanding that they chase the duck and the duck flies just above their heads but certainly there would be no walking right next to the duck like Freya does.

Hang out with Jeremy on Twitter:

And of course make sure to visit their blog and say hello!
Ducks: A Journey with Freya

Idle Talk: