Crypto Blog

Pets on Facebook

Hey everyone and welcome to Pets on Facebook Hop! This week we are featuring Pet Blogs that have facebook pages. If you are looking for new Facebook pages to follow and new friends who like your page? Then join us! Each week there will be a different theme for the hop. If you have a favorite Blog on facebook please be sure to add their facebook link here so we can all follow them!
1. Add the Facebook page to the Linky. The only trick the link HAS to link to a Pet Blog on facebook whether a fan page, group page, or profile page, all Pets are welcome no matter what kind!

Like and become friends with as many Facebook pages as you can, leaving comments with links so they’ll know where to come say hello back.

Want to help spread the word and add this MckLinky to your blog? Write your own post telling your readers about Pets on Facebook and grab the code.

Each week there will be different themes for the pages you post to the Linky. Next week will be Pet Profiles on facebook!. This event will start Tuesday evening and run all day Wednesday. Each week there will be a new Linky for you to use.

Idle Talk: